Rechercher (2007-2014)

jeudi 29 avril 2010

Scan product barcode and access food information

GoodGuide - US

GoodGuide is now available on your mobile phone! GoodGuide mobile makes it fast and easy to find safe, healthy, and green products, instantly delivering the information you need, when you need it most — in a store and on the go. Get instant access to over 65,000 products and ratings at your fingertips. Check a product, see top-rated products in a category, and access your personalized favorites list to quickly find safe & healthy products.

ScanAvert - US

ScanAvert’s mission is to provide the general consumer a method of detecting specified ingredients/processes in food, beverages and OTC products that are simply unwanted, may cause an undesired reaction, or  contradict dietary allowances, on a real-time automated basis, in places where food, beverages or OTC  products are sold, prepared or served. Using their auto focus equipped cell phones, subscribers scan product barcodes and receive immediate, compatibility/incompatibility information and suggested compatible  substitutes, product recall information, and a host of e-commerce benefits, all in the privacy of their cell  phone. (280 000 products)

Is This Healthy - Austria

This is my final year 12 Project for 2010 at the Europagymnasium Auhof, Linz, Austria.I had the idea to build some kind of application that could say whether a product is healthy or not, already at the supermarket, some years ago at a visit to Australia. My Mum, hat this small booklet, where she would sometimes look up, different ingredients that where products. I thought, it would be great, to do that faster, easier and in the supermarket by doing all that with a mobile phone. And this is what came out.

Proxi-produit - France

Ce service offre une information ciblée pour permettre à chacun de devenir consommateur averti.
En situation de mobilité, en particulier lors de l’achat, chaque usager peut lire les codes à barres des produits avec l’appareil photo numérique de son téléphone mobile. Le code à barres présent sur chaque produit permet d’afficher sur le mobile d'une part les informations fournies par les producteurs et des données issues de sources indépendantes : Conseils nutritionnels, impact environnemental des produits, allergènes présents, Risques & alertes sanitaires, Notices de médicaments...

Rajout du 18 janvier 2011


ShopWell aims to take the legwork out of deciphering nutrition labels by providing you with a single score for the food products that interest you, based on your unique needs. Specifically, the ShopWell scoring system assesses a product based on your age range, gender, and how well the product meets your ingredient and nutrition preferences.
These personalized scores range from 0-100 and are bucketed into three categories: green (strong match for you), yellow (medium match for you), and red (weak match for you). These scores are meant as guidelines. Although we follow strict quality assurance practices, please exercise caution if you have concerns or do have a serious food-related condition.
Our team of nutritional science professionals combines its collective knowledge to evaluate food products on an ongoing basis. Assessing products' nutritional value using ingredient lists and nutrition labels, these experts evaluate products for different demographics based on Institute of Medicine guidelines and the most up-to-date research. From in-depth interviews to surveys of registered dietitians and medical professionals, we have distilled this nutritional expertise into ShopWell's algorithm that delivers scores for the products on our site. We strive to deliver the most current, accurate, and personalized evaluations of food products.

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